


Manchester Arena Bombing. Interview with hospital consultant on duty that night.

'Commentary' (Royal College of Physicians' members' magazine), August 2017


Chief Registrars: supporting medical staff
and improving patient care

'Commentary' (Royal College of Physicians' members' magazine), April 2016


What Comes After Zika?

Wall Street Journal, March 2016


A Twist in her Tale, Foyles Blog, August 2013


James Marsh and the Poison Panic, The Lancet, June 2013

John Snow and cholera: how myth helped secure his place in history, International Journal of Epidemiology, May 2013


Arsenic – The Near-perfect Murder Weapon


John St John Long: Quackery and Manslaughter, The Lancet, 3rd May 2014


Doctors in Fiction: the medical profession through authors' eyes. The Lancet, 20-26 August 2016; 388; 10,046, 753.

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